This will leave you short funds to carry on. In today’s world credit cards provide a safe alternative to using cash for our transactions. The great thing about Craigslist is that you simply will get paid cash.
If you find yourself in a financial crisis, you’re not alone. Thousands upon thousands of people have bad credit. No matter if it’s due to a minor mishap, or a major reneging on a loan, your credit score is really suffering for it. Most of us hope that it will magically disappear and we’ll be left with a perfect credit rating. Unfortunately, it doesn’t even work like that in the movies, much less real life. But something has to be done about your debt. If you leave it ignored, then the debt will regularly increase and leave you with a huge pile of you-know-what on your hands.
People ask me “What’s the best way to consolidate debt?” and of course “What’s the catch?” Well, it just really depends on the situation. There are all sorts of ways to do it and some folks get really creative too. I’ll tell you about some of the more popular ones and the pros and cons you get with them.
Payday loan debt will not be accepted into debt settlement, the amount is too little. Debt relief programs try to settle the amount you owe a creditor for less than the balance. Credit cards are usually the debt these programs help with. Some will accept medical debt, but besides direct payday loans being denied into these programs, student loan and military debt are also not included.
Still not convinced? If you are browsing websites for payday loan debt consolidation company you will find hundreds among which is Nearmeloans. Let us enumerate the benefits of payday loan consolidation. First of all, your repayment time is lengthened. payday loan debt consolidation company loans are considered as short term and if you avail of this service, it is shifted into a long term loan.
Lastly, some stress is removed on your part as you do not need to deal with your primary lender or lenders anymore. The consolidation company handles all their queries and blocks all contact from them. They would only be able to contact you if they have permission from the company. This is a huge advantage as debtors are usually pestered at their doorsteps or on their phones by the collection agencies.
Do not use a payday loan company as a source of debt consolidation! While they might advertise themselves as part of the group offering a debt consolidation loan option, this is only a marketing ploy.
It sounds simple-you take out one low-interest loan and use the cash to pay off all of your other high-interest loans. Then you have only one loan to pay off and you save money.
Sell Something: If you must make some cash quickly and you have something of value then you might think about selling it. One option is to sell items on Craigslist. is an online classified ad website where you can list property for sale. It is usually free to list your items for sale and it only takes a few minutes to get your ad set up. The great thing about Craigslist is that you will get paid cash. And, since most transactions will be local you are able to complete them quickly.